Indira gandhi national open university distance education

Maidan Garhi, Delhi, India

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is a prestigious university established in the year 1985 through the Act passed by the parliament of India. Currently, it is the largest university in India offering distance education.

Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education



Facts About Indira gandhi national open university distance education

IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) is an open university situated in New Delhi, India. It offers the world's biggest distance learning, and it was named after former Prime Minister of India Mrs Indira Gandhi, and established in the year 1985. This was founded to offer Indian students quality distance learning. The main objective of the university is to encourage, set standards for distance learning, and strengthen India's human resources through education.

Overview of Indira gandhi national open university distance education

About Indira gandhi national open university distance education

IGNOU Distance Learning Overview
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is a prestigious university established in the year 1985 through the Act passed by the parliament of India. Currently, it is the largest university in India offering distance education.

IGNOU has established more 21 School of Studies, 67 regional centers, 2,667 learner support centers and 29 overseas partner institutes. The institute offers almost 228 courses ranging from certificate to doctoral level programs.

This company is ranked as the leading provider of distance learning by reputable organizations. The significance of degrees earned via IGNOU Distance Education has been acknowledged by numerous recruiters and HR directors at significant companies. IGNOU maintains websites in a number of nations, including Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Nepal, the United Arab Emirates, and Europe.

Flexible learning opportunities are available to all IGNOU Distance MBA students. There are alternatives between 2.5 and 8 years at this point. Businesses from all around the world accept degrees from IGNOU due to its incredibly high acceptance rate. IGNOU is acknowledged by the AICTE, the UGC, the DEB (Distance Education Bureau), and the AIC. According to a newly published High Court decision, employment in India is possible with an IGNOU degree.

IGNOU Distance Education for MBA Overview:-

As it is a Central University. Offering more than 10 IGNOU Distance learning programs for working professionals comprising of 50 courses or more. Distance MBA from IGNOU is approved in India and all over the world. You have enhance your skills while continuing your job.

IGNOU Distance Education for BBA Overview:-

The BBA course follows a modular method, i.e. the candidate will be awarded with different certifications with completion of each stage of the course. If the candidate successfully completes first year then they will be awarded with a Diploma in retailing certificate. In successful completion of second year, they will be given an Advanced Diploma in retailing certification. Finally upon completion of third year of the course, they will be given the Bachelor of Business Administration certificate.

IGNOU Distance Learning Programs and Specializations
Indira Gandhi Open University (IGNOU) Distance Education courses offered are given below:-

IGNOU Distance MBA Specialization:-

  1. Human Resource Management
  2. Financial Management
  3. Operations Management
  4. Marketing Management
  5. Finan cial Markets Practice

IGNOU Distance BBA Specialization:-

  1. Retailing (RL)
  2. Services Management (SM)

Post Graduate diploma programs:-

  1. Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM)
  2. Post-Graduate Diploma in Financial Management (PGDFM)
  3. Post-Graduate Diploma in Operations Management (PGDOM)
  4. Post-Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management (PGDMM)
  5. Post-Graduate Diploma in Financial Markets Practice (PGDFMP)


  1. Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
  2. Master of Science (Food Nutrition) (MSCDFSM)( offered only in July Session)
  3. Master of Arts (Rural Development)(MARD)
  4. Master of Science (Counselling and Family Therapy) (MSCCFT)(offered only in July Session)
  5. Master of Tourism and Travel Management (MTTM)
  6. Master of Arts (English) (MEG)
  7. Master of Arts (Hindi) (MHD)
  8. Master of Social Work (MSW)
  9. Master of Social Work (Counselling) (MSWC)
  10. Master of Arts (Philosophy) (MAPY)
  11. Master of Arts (Education) (MAEDU)
  12. Master of Arts (Economics) (MEC)
  13. Master of Arts (History) (MAH)
  14. Master of Arts (Political Science) (MPS)
  15. Master of Arts (Public Administration) (MPA)
  16. Master of Arts (Sociology) (MSO)
  17. Master of Arts (Gandhi and Peace Studies) (MGPS)
  18. Master of Arts (Psychology) (MAPC)
  19. Master of Library and Information Sciences (MLIS)
  20. Master of Arts (Anthropology) (MAAN)
  21. Master of Arts (Development Studies) (MADVS)
  22. Master of Arts (Adult Education) (MAAE) (offered only in July Session)
  23. Master of Arts (Gender and Development Studies) (MAGD)
  24. Master of Arts (Women and Gender Studies) (MAWGS) (offered only in July Session)
  25. Master of Arts (Distance Education) (MADE)
  26. Master of Commerce (MCOM)
  27. Master of Science (Mathematics) (MSCMACS) (offered only in January Session)
  28. Master of Arts (Translation Studies) (MATS)


  1. Bachelor of Arts (Tourism Studies) (BTS)
  2. Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
  3. Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
  4. Bachelor of Library and Information Sciences (BLIS)
  5. Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Commerce (BCOM), Bachelor of Science (BSC)
  6. Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme (BPP)


  1. Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN)
  2. Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management (PGDDM)
  3. Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGDGPS)
  4. Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development (PGDRD)
  5. Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling & Family Therapy (PGDCFT) (offered only in July Session)
  6. Post Graduate Diploma in Translation (PGDT)
  7. Post Graduate Diploma in International Business Operations (PGDIBO)
  8. Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development (PGDESD)
  9. Post Graduate Diploma in Analytical Chemistry (PGDAC)
  10. Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Statistics (PGDAST)
  11. Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication (PGJMC)
  12. Post Graduate Diploma in Audio Programme Production (PGDAPP)
  13. Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE)
  14. Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Technology (PGDET)
  15. Post Graduate Diploma in School Leadership and Management (PGDSLM)
  16. Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management and Administration (PGDEMA)
  17. Post Graduate Diploma in Pre- Primary Education (PGDPPED)
  18. Post-Graduate Diploma in Adult Education (PGDAE) (offered only in July Session)
  19. Post Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sales Management (PGDPSM)
  20. Post Graduate Diploma in Information Security (PGDIS)
  21. Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights (PGDIPR)
  22. Post Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice (PGDCJ)
  23. Post Graduate Diploma in Urban Planning and Development (PGDUPDL)
  24. Post Graduate Diploma in Folklore and Culture Studies (PGDFCS)
  25. Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health Management (PGDHHM) (offered only in January Session)
  26. Post Graduate Diploma in Geriatric Medicine (PGDGM) (offered only in January Session)
  27. Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (PGDMCH) (offered only in January Session)
  28. Post Graduate Diploma in HIV Medicine (PGDHIVM) (offered only in January Session)
  29. Post Graduate Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management (PGDFSQM) (offered only in July Session)
  30. Post Graduate Diploma in Plantation Management (PGDPM) (offered only in July Session)
  31. Post Graduate Diploma in Book Publishing (PGDBP) (offered only in July Session)
  32. Post Graduate Diploma in Women’s & Gender Studies (PGDWGS) (offered only in July Session)
  33. Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainability Science (PGDSS)
  34. Post Graduate Diploma in Social Work Counselling (PGDCOUN)
  35. Post Graduate Diploma in Mental Health (PGDMH) (offered only in July Session)


  1. Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (DECE)
  2. Diploma in Nutrition & Health Education (DNHE)
  3. Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration and Development (DPLAD)
  4. Diploma in Tourism Studies (DTS)
  5. Diploma in Aquaculture (DAQ)
  6. Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCE)
  7. Diploma Programme in Urdu (DUL)
  8. Diploma in HIV and Family Education (DAFE)
  9. Diploma in Business Process Outsourcing – Finance and Accounting (DBPOFA)
  10. Diploma in Women’s Empowerment and Development (DWED)
  11. Diploma in Paralegal Practice (DIPP)
  12. Diploma in Nursing Administration (DNA) (offered only in January Session)
  13. Diploma in Critical Care Nursing (DCCN) (offered only in January Session)
  14. Diploma in Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables (DVAPFV) (offered only in July Session)
  15. Diploma in Dairy Technology (DDT) (offered only in July Session)
  16. Diploma in Meat Technology (DMT) (offered only in July Session)
  17. Diploma in Production of Value Added Products from Cereals, Pulses and
  18. Oilseeds (DPVCPO) (offered only in July Session)
  19. Diploma in Fish Products Technology (DFPT) (offered only in July Session)
  20. Diploma in Watershed Management (DWM) (offered only in July Session)
  21. Diploma in Teaching German as a Foreign Language (DTG) (offered only in January Session)
  22. Diploma in Retailing (DIR) (offered only in July Session)
  23. Diploma in Event Management (DEVMT)


  1. Advance Certificate in Power Distribution Management (ACPDM)
  2. Advanced Certificate in Information Security (ACISE)


  1. Post Graduate Certificate in Adult Education (PGCAE)
  2. Post Graduate Certificate in Cyber Law (PGCCL)
  3. Post Graduate Certificate in Patent Practice (PGCPP)
  4. Post Graduate Certificate in Bangla-Hindi Translation (PGCBHT)
  5. Post Graduate Certificate in Malayalam-Hindi Translation (PGCMHT)
  6. Post Graduate Certificate in Agriculture Policy (PGCAP)
  7. Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGCGPS)
  8. Post Graduate Certificate in Information and Assistive Technologies for the Instructors of Visually Impaired (PGCIATIVI)
  9. Post Graduate Certificate in Geoinformatics (PGCGI)
  10. Post Graduate Certificate in Acupuncture (PGCACP)


  1. Certificate in Visual Arts—Painting (CVAP)
  2. Certificate in Visual Arts—Applied Art (CVAA)
  3. Certificate in Performing Arts—Theatre Arts (CPATHA)
  4. Certificate in Performing Arts—Hindustani Music (CPAHM)
  5. Certificate in Performing Arts—Karnatak Music (CPAKM)
  6. Certificate in Performing Arts—Bharatanatyam (CPABN)
  7. Certificate in Arabic Language (CAL)
  8. Certificate in French Language (CFL)
  9. Certificate in Rassian Language (CRUL)
  10. Certificate in Disaster Management (CDM)
  11. Certificate in Environmental Studies (CES)
  12. Certificate Programme in NGO Management (CNM)
  13. Certificate in Business Skills (CBS)
  14. Certificate in Teaching of English as a Second Language (CTE)
  15. Certificate in Functional English (Basic Level) (CFE)
  16. Certificate in Urdu Language (CUL)
  17. Certificate in HIV and Family Education (CAFE)
  18. Certificate in Social Work and Criminal Justice System (CSWCJS)
  19. Certificate in Health Care Waste Management (CHCWM)
  20. Certificate in Newborn and Infant Nursing (CNIN)
  21. Certificate in Maternal and Child Health Nursing (CMCHN)
  22. Certificate in Home Based Health Care (CHBHC)
  23. Certificate in Community Radio (CCR)
  24. Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS)
  25. Certificate in Food and Nutrition (CFN)
  26. Certificate in Nutrition and Child Care (CNCC)
  27. Certificate in Rural Development (CRD)
  28. Certificate in Sericulture (CIS)
  29. Certificate in Organic Farming (COF)
  30. Certificate in Water Harvesting and Management (CWHM)
  31. Certificate in Poultry Farming (CPF)
  32. Certificate in Beekeeping (CIB)
  33. Certificate in Human Rights (CHR)
  34. Certificate in Consumer Protection (CCP)
  35. Certificate in Co-operation, Co-operative Law & Business Laws (CCLBL)
  36. Certificate in Anti Human Trafficking (CAHT)
  37. Certificate in International Humanitarian Law (CIHL)
  38. Certificate in Information Technology (CIT)
  39. Certificate in Guidance (CIG)
  40. Certificate in Communication & IT Skills (CCITSK)
  41. Certificate Programme in Laboratory Techniques (CPLT)
  42. Certificate in Teaching of Primary School Mathematics (CTPM) (offered only in July Session)
  43. Certificate Programme in Value Education (CPVE)
  44. Certificate in Energy Technology and Management (CETM)
  45. Certificate of Competency in Power Distribution (Electrical Technicians) (CCPD)
  46. Certificate in Library and Information Science (CLIS)
  47. Certificate Programme on Life and Thought of BR Ambedkar (CLTA)
  48. Certificate in Tribal Studies (CTRBS) (offered only in July Session)
  49. Certificate in Korean Language & Culture (CKLC)
  50. Certificate in Spanish Language & Culture (CSLC)

IGNOU Distance Education Courses
The institution is well known for the extensive selection of electives and courses it provides in distance learning programs. There are many options for Distance undergraduate, graduate, certificate, and certification programs.

Applicants are particularly interested in the distance learning programs offered by IGNOU.
Students can enroll in distance learning courses anywhere.
This is a detailed description of the IGNOU distance learning courses.
The university offers over 38 Bachelor’s Programs and 38 Master’s Programs, each with a particular emphasis.

UG Courses at IGNOU

  1. B.A- Bachelor of Arts
  2. BBA- Bachelor of Business Administration
  3. BCA -Bachelor of Computer Application
  4. B.Sc – Bachelor of Science
  5. B.Com- Bachelor of Commerce
  6. BTS- Bachelor of Tourism Studies
  7. BSW- Bachelor of Social Work

PG Courses at IGNOU

  1. M.A- Master of Arts
  2. MCA – Master of Computer Application
  3. M.Sc – Master of Science
  4. M.Com – Master of Commerce
  5. MBA – Master of Business Administration
  6. MTS – Master of Tourism Studies
  7. MSW – Master of Social Work

IGNOU Distance Education Admission 2025
Applications for the annual sessions in January and July will shortly be available by IGNOU distance learning. Registration normally starts in December or January for the January session, but it does so every year in May for the July session. IGNOU, the biggest open university in the world, provides more than 200 programs for Distance learning. Every degree available at IGNOU is on par with degrees available at any other higher education institution in the world that has National Ranking Council approval and consent.

Candidates in the general category must pay a fee of 300 rupees. The fee for candidates from the reserved category is 200 rupees. Any of the following ways, including debit cards, credit cards, and online banking, can be useful to pay the application fee.

The candidate must fill in the form 1 which is the application for OPENMAT and send it to the IGNOU Headquarters (address given below), on or before the last date of submitting form.

IGNOU Distance MBA Admission 2025 :-

Aspirants who want to do distance MBA programme from IGNOU, firstly they have to clear an entrance exam. If anyone has given any national level aptitude test for MBA programme, then he /she can be free from certain level of marks.

IGNOU Distance MBA Admission  currently offers undergraduate, graduate, certificate, doctorate, and diploma degree programs. The admission for IGNOU distance Education solely depends on the (marks in the respective qualifying examination). A Ph.D. is available through IGNOU. Passing the IGNOU OpenNet and IGNOU BEd EntranceTest exams is a requirement for enrollment in these programs.

IGNOU Distance BBA Admission 2025

The IGNOU Distance BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) program is a three-year undergraduate program offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) in India. It is a distance learning program that allows students to pursue a business administration degree from the comfort of their own homes. The program is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in various aspects of business and management.

To enroll or secure your seats for  IGNOU Distance BBA Admission you will need to fulfill the basic eligibility criteria. The University demands the candidate should have completed 12th grade from a proper and recognized board of education.

Students receive study materials in the form of printed books, audio-visual resources, and online materials. They are evaluated through a combination of assignments, term-end examinations, and practical projects conducted at designated centers across the country.

IGNOU Distance BCA Admission 2025

The IGNOU Distance BCA Admission (Bachelor of Computer Applications) program is a popular undergraduate program offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) in India. It is a distance learning program designed to provide students with a strong foundation in computer applications and software development.

The program has a duration of three years and follows a flexible learning approach, allowing students to study at their own pace and convenience. The curriculum covers various aspects of computer science, including programming languages, data structures, software engineering, database management, networking, and web development.

Upon completion of the program, graduates can pursue a wide range of career opportunities in the IT industry. They can work as software developers, system analysts, database administrators, web designers, and IT consultants. They can also opt for higher studies such as an MCA (Master of Computer Applications) for further specialization.

IGNOU Distance BCom Admission 2025

To be eligible for admission to the IGNOU Distance BCom Admission (Bachelor of Commerce) program, candidates must fulfill certain criteria. The eligibility requirements for IGNOU Distance BCom admission are as follows: Candidates should have passed 10+2 or its equivalent from a recognized board or institution.

There is no specific requirement for the stream or subjects studied at the 10+2 level. The entry age is 18 years old. There is no maximum age for participation in the program. It is important to note that these eligibility criteria are based on the general guidelines provided by IGNOU. However, specific eligibility requirements may vary depending on the year and any updates made by the university. Therefore, it is always advisable to refer to the official IGNOU Distance BCom Admission website or contact the admissions department for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the eligibility criteria for the IGNOU Distance BCom program.

IGNOU Distance BA Admission 2025

Embarking on a journey of knowledge and personal growth, the IGNOU Distance BA Admission (Bachelor of Arts) program opens doors to a world of diverse subjects and intellectual exploration. With its flexible learning format, this program caters to individuals who seek higher education while balancing other commitments. To be eligible for IGNOU Distance BA admission, aspiring students need to meet specific criteria. First and foremost, candidates must have completed 10+2 or its equivalent from a recognized board or university.

There are no restrictions on the stream or subjects studied during this level of education. Additionally, there is no age bar for admission, allowing learners of all ages to pursue their passion for the arts and humanities.

Whether you’re a recent high school graduate seeking to delve into a field of interest or a working professional aiming to enhance your knowledge and skills, IGNOU’s Distance BA program offers a flexible and accessible path toward a well-rounded education. Explore a wide range of subjects, broaden your horizons, and unlock your potential as you embark on this enlightening educational journey.

IGNOU Distance MCom Admission 2025

Embark on a journey of advanced commerce education and professional growth with the IGNOU Distance MCom Admission (Master of Commerce) program. Designed to meet the needs of working professionals and individuals seeking higher education, this program offers a unique blend of flexibility and academic excellence. To be eligible for IGNOU Distance MCom admission, candidates must hold a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce (BCom) or an equivalent qualification from a recognized university.

Additionally, individuals who possess a Bachelor’s degree in a different discipline but have successfully completed the IGNOU BCom (A&F) or BCom (CA&A) program are also eligible for admission. With no age restriction, this program provides an opportunity for professionals at any stage of their career to enhance their knowledge and expertise in the field of commerce.

By enrolling in the IGNOU Distance MCom program, you open the doors to advanced learning, specialized knowledge in areas such as accounting, finance, and business management, and a promising future in the world of commerce.

IGNOU Distance MA Admission 2025

Step into the realm of intellectual exploration and personal growth with the IGNOU Distance MA Admission (Master of Arts) program. Aspiring learners seeking higher education in the arts and humanities can embark on an enriching journey with this program, offered by the prestigious Indira Gandhi National Open University.

To be eligible for IGNOU Distance MA admission, candidates must possess a Bachelor’s degree in the relevant discipline from a recognized university. The program offers a wide range of specializations, including subjects like English, Hindi, History, Sociology, Political Science, and more. With its flexible learning format, IGNOU enables individuals to pursue their passion for the arts while accommodating their personal and professional commitments.

Whether you’re a fresh graduate seeking to delve deeper into a specific field or a working professional aiming to enhance your expertise, the IGNOU Distance MA program provides a platform for comprehensive learning and academic growth. Explore new ideas, broaden your horizons, and become part of a vibrant community of learners as you embark on this captivating educational journey.

IGNOU Distance MBA
The Indira Gandhi Open University has been providing education to students for a very long period (IGNOU). One of the most popular courses the university offers is the IGNOU Distance Education for MBA. The college provides a low-cost, 2.5-year MBA program Distance. This particular Blog in Umeacademy will help you to explore all the details and pieces of information about IGNOU Distance MBA Programs.

A renowned professional education program with excellent employment prospects is the MBA program. Students must give the topics presented their full attention while studying for exams.

Those who decide to major in this field have better chances of success and will have access to opportunities that are more important for their personal growth.

The candidates can create a lean environment because they can schedule their own study sessions using the Internet mode.

The curriculum and themes are structured to give students the right amount of hands-on experience, preparing them for the roles and responsibilities for which the organization has established its initiative.

IGNOU Distance BBA
The IGNOU provides distant learners with a three-year professional undergraduate business administration degree. One of India’s best Distance learning programs is the BBA program (Bachelor of Business Administration), which is offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).

Via its management studies department—also referred to as the school of management studies—IGNOU Distance Education for BBA program. The IGNOU Distance BBA is one of the professional management studies programs offered by the School of Management Studies, which was founded in 1987.

IGNOU Distance Learning Admission Important Dates

Particulars (July Session)


Admission Starts

Second week of July

Admission without late fee

To Be Announced

Admission with late fee of Rs. 500/-

4 August to 18 August

Admission with late fee of Rs. 1000/-

19 August to 4 September


IGNOU Distance Learning Eligibility Criteria

  1. To get admission into the institution, the applicant should have a passing mark in a 10+2 course or have received a diploma.
  2. Reservations are open to the general public, under Indian government regulation.
  3. The results of the personal interview will be helpful to secure their seat at the IGNOU regional center when determining whether or not to admit a candidate to the BBA program.
  4. The Regional Director will get interview instructions from the Program Coordinator.
  5. An applicant should get 25 out of a possible 50 points for their interview performance to secure their seat at the university.

IGNOU Distance MBA eligibility criteria :-

Graduation in any discipline with 50% marks (General Category) and 45% marks (reserved category)

Bachelor’s degree with three years of supervisory/ managerial/professional experience, or Professional Degree in Engineering/ Technology/ Medicine/ Architecture/ Law/ Pharmacy or Professional Qualifications in Accountancy/ Cost and Works Accountancy/ Company Secretaryship etc. or Masters Degree in any subject.

IGNOU Distance BBA eligibility criteria :-  

Cleared Class 12th or equivalent, based on the merit of physically fit candidates.

Placement services at IGNOU Distance MBA

A dedicated Campus Placement Cell (CPC) oversees a variety of recruiting drives, campus placement drives, employability enhancement initiatives, and career fairs at IGNOU’s corporate headquarters, regional centers, and corporate beliefs throughout the year.

The minimal offer accessible in 2022 has an IGNOU placement rate of 80% and an average package of between INR 3.5 LPA and INR 4 LPA. Candidates’ chances of getting into top MNCs in India will be easy through the IGNOU placement activity.

IGNOU Distance Learning Review & Ranking

IGNOU has commenced with only two programs and strength of 4,528 students, but at present, more than 3 million students are enrolled. It is one of the top and largest known Open University in India. It has the highest number of intake of student admission in different online/distance courses. It is approved by AICTE, UGC and DEC.

Indira gandhi national open university distance education is Approved by:


Fees & Courses Offered by Indira gandhi national open university distance education

distance mba
2 years

Distance M.Sc
2 years

2 years

Distance MCA
2 years

Distance MA
2 years

Distance BCA
3 years

Distance BBA
3 years

Distance B.Com
3 years

Distance B.Sc
3 years

Distance BA
3 years

Admission Process in Indira gandhi national open university distance education

  1. To view a prospectus and discover more about the courses, go to the IGNOU website.
  2. To register for the login credentials, the candidate has to provide all the information.
  3. If you are logging in using your old login information and receive an email, the university will provide you with your special code (username or password); if not, they will do it by SMS.
  4. Your personal information must be provided on the entry form.
  5. sending an image together with a scanned copy of a signature.
  6. You must provide a scanned copy together with the other necessary documents.
  7. To pay for the expenses, use a debit card, credit card, or online payment.
  8. You have the option to save or print your receipt after pressing the submit button.

Career Prospects in Indira gandhi national open university distance education

The Campus Placement Cell (CPC), IGNOU was established in the year 2005 to act as a nodal centre for all placement-related activities to facilitate the process of gainful employment for its different and distributive student population available across the nation. The cell aims to offer meaningful employment opportunities to its students as well as alumni at all levels matching with their personal and academic profiles. It works on the premise that the right student meets the right recruiter at the right place. It also acts as an intermediate between the industry and the students.

FAQs in Indira gandhi national open university distance education


Ques. How can I apply for admission to IGNOU's MBA program?

Ans. Students who are curious about the MBA program at IGNOU have to register at

Ques. How has the IGNOU MBA program fared in terms of placement?

Ans. It is crucial for students to sign up for the placement seminars that IGNOU organizes each year after completing the MBA program.

Ques. IGNOU does it provide an MBA?

Ans. Indeed, IGNOU Distance Education for MBA. The program has DEB and UGC accreditation. After passing the entrance test, known as OPENMAT, which is relatively easy to pass, the institution offers this program.

Ques. How can I submit a job application to IGNOU?

Ans. You can learn more by visiting the official websites of IGNOU and Campus Placement Cell (CPC).

Ques. How can I do MBA from IGNOU?

Ans. IGNOU offers MBA in distance. To get admitted in MBA from IGNOU, the candidate needs to fill up and submit OPENMAT and admission form online. For getting admission into this course the candidate must have completed graduation in any subject including Company Secretaryship/ Cost Accountancy/ Chartered Accountancy with minimum 50% marks for general category and 45% for reserved category. Candidate’s CGPA percentage should meet the eligibility score required. Finally the candidate must have cleared OPENMAT entrance examination conducted by IGNOU.

Ques. Once the OPENMAT exam is cleared, what is the process for admission?

Ans. Once the IGNOU OPENMAT EXAMINATION is cleared the candidate can proceed for the admission in MBA program. Candidates can find an application Form 2 available with the prospectus. This form needs to be filled up and to be sent to IGNOU Regional Director nearest to the candidate’s place. Along with the form following documents are required to be sent: attested copies of all educational certificates, Original OPENMAT score card and original hall ticket, category certificate in case of SC/ ST and OBC students, experience certificate if required and filled in identity card.

Ques. What is the duration of doing Distance MBA course from IGNOU?

Ans. The duration of doing distance MBA from IGNOU is 2 years (4 semsters).

Ques. Can any foreign student apply for IGNOU distance MBA programme?

Ans. Yes, foreign students can also apply for the distance MBA program at IGNOU.

Ques. Is IGNOU distance MBA approved?

Ans. Yes, it is approved by AICTE and AIU. IGNOU is a central university that was established through an Act of Parliament in 1985.

Ques. Can OPENMAT be taken online?

Ans. Yes, OPENMAT can be taken online from the IGNOU official website.

Ques. Is there any age requirement or limit to get admission at IGNOU distance MBA?

Ans. No, there is no maximum age requirement or limit forgetting admission at IGNOU distance MBA.

Ques. Is it worth to any distance course from IGNOU?

Ans. Yes, it is worth to do distance course from this university.IGNOU gives special emphasis to the quality of the education, therefore, it has a team of 810 faculty members, 574 academic staff and about 33,212 academic counselors.

About Indira gandhi national open university distance education

IGNOU Distance Learning Overview
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is a prestigious university established in the year 1985 through the Act passed by the parliament of India. Currently, it is the largest university in India offering distance education.

IGNOU has established more 21 School of Studies, 67 regional centers, 2,667 learner support centers and 29 overseas partner institutes. The institute offers almost 228 courses ranging from certificate to doctoral level programs.

This company is ranked as the leading provider of distance learning by reputable organizations. The significance of degrees earned via IGNOU Distance Education has been acknowledged by numerous recruiters and HR directors at significant companies. IGNOU maintains websites in a number of nations, including Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Nepal, the United Arab Emirates, and Europe.

Flexible learning opportunities are available to all IGNOU Distance MBA students. There are alternatives between 2.5 and 8 years at this point. Businesses from all around the world accept degrees from IGNOU due to its incredibly high acceptance rate. IGNOU is acknowledged by the AICTE, the UGC, the DEB (Distance Education Bureau), and the AIC. According to a newly published High Court decision, employment in India is possible with an IGNOU degree.

IGNOU Distance Education for MBA Overview:-

As it is a Central University. Offering more than 10 IGNOU Distance learning programs for working professionals comprising of 50 courses or more. Distance MBA from IGNOU is approved in India and all over the world. You have enhance your skills while continuing your job.

IGNOU Distance Education for BBA Overview:-

The BBA course follows a modular method, i.e. the candidate will be awarded with different certifications with completion of each stage of the course. If the candidate successfully completes first year then they will be awarded with a Diploma in retailing certificate. In successful completion of second year, they will be given an Advanced Diploma in retailing certification. Finally upon completion of third year of the course, they will be given the Bachelor of Business Administration certificate.

IGNOU Distance Learning Programs and Specializations
Indira Gandhi Open University (IGNOU) Distance Education courses offered are given below:-

IGNOU Distance MBA Specialization:-

  1. Human Resource Management
  2. Financial Management
  3. Operations Management
  4. Marketing Management
  5. Finan cial Markets Practice

IGNOU Distance BBA Specialization:-

  1. Retailing (RL)
  2. Services Management (SM)

Post Graduate diploma programs:-

  1. Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM)
  2. Post-Graduate Diploma in Financial Management (PGDFM)
  3. Post-Graduate Diploma in Operations Management (PGDOM)
  4. Post-Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management (PGDMM)
  5. Post-Graduate Diploma in Financial Markets Practice (PGDFMP)


  1. Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
  2. Master of Science (Food Nutrition) (MSCDFSM)( offered only in July Session)
  3. Master of Arts (Rural Development)(MARD)
  4. Master of Science (Counselling and Family Therapy) (MSCCFT)(offered only in July Session)
  5. Master of Tourism and Travel Management (MTTM)
  6. Master of Arts (English) (MEG)
  7. Master of Arts (Hindi) (MHD)
  8. Master of Social Work (MSW)
  9. Master of Social Work (Counselling) (MSWC)
  10. Master of Arts (Philosophy) (MAPY)
  11. Master of Arts (Education) (MAEDU)
  12. Master of Arts (Economics) (MEC)
  13. Master of Arts (History) (MAH)
  14. Master of Arts (Political Science) (MPS)
  15. Master of Arts (Public Administration) (MPA)
  16. Master of Arts (Sociology) (MSO)
  17. Master of Arts (Gandhi and Peace Studies) (MGPS)
  18. Master of Arts (Psychology) (MAPC)
  19. Master of Library and Information Sciences (MLIS)
  20. Master of Arts (Anthropology) (MAAN)
  21. Master of Arts (Development Studies) (MADVS)
  22. Master of Arts (Adult Education) (MAAE) (offered only in July Session)
  23. Master of Arts (Gender and Development Studies) (MAGD)
  24. Master of Arts (Women and Gender Studies) (MAWGS) (offered only in July Session)
  25. Master of Arts (Distance Education) (MADE)
  26. Master of Commerce (MCOM)
  27. Master of Science (Mathematics) (MSCMACS) (offered only in January Session)
  28. Master of Arts (Translation Studies) (MATS)


  1. Bachelor of Arts (Tourism Studies) (BTS)
  2. Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
  3. Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
  4. Bachelor of Library and Information Sciences (BLIS)
  5. Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Commerce (BCOM), Bachelor of Science (BSC)
  6. Bachelor’s Preparatory Programme (BPP)


  1. Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (PGDLAN)
  2. Post Graduate Diploma in Disaster Management (PGDDM)
  3. Post Graduate Diploma in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGDGPS)
  4. Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development (PGDRD)
  5. Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling & Family Therapy (PGDCFT) (offered only in July Session)
  6. Post Graduate Diploma in Translation (PGDT)
  7. Post Graduate Diploma in International Business Operations (PGDIBO)
  8. Post Graduate Diploma in Environment and Sustainable Development (PGDESD)
  9. Post Graduate Diploma in Analytical Chemistry (PGDAC)
  10. Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Statistics (PGDAST)
  11. Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication (PGJMC)
  12. Post Graduate Diploma in Audio Programme Production (PGDAPP)
  13. Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education (PGDHE)
  14. Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Technology (PGDET)
  15. Post Graduate Diploma in School Leadership and Management (PGDSLM)
  16. Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management and Administration (PGDEMA)
  17. Post Graduate Diploma in Pre- Primary Education (PGDPPED)
  18. Post-Graduate Diploma in Adult Education (PGDAE) (offered only in July Session)
  19. Post Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sales Management (PGDPSM)
  20. Post Graduate Diploma in Information Security (PGDIS)
  21. Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights (PGDIPR)
  22. Post Graduate Diploma in Criminal Justice (PGDCJ)
  23. Post Graduate Diploma in Urban Planning and Development (PGDUPDL)
  24. Post Graduate Diploma in Folklore and Culture Studies (PGDFCS)
  25. Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital and Health Management (PGDHHM) (offered only in January Session)
  26. Post Graduate Diploma in Geriatric Medicine (PGDGM) (offered only in January Session)
  27. Post Graduate Diploma in Maternal and Child Health (PGDMCH) (offered only in January Session)
  28. Post Graduate Diploma in HIV Medicine (PGDHIVM) (offered only in January Session)
  29. Post Graduate Diploma in Food Safety and Quality Management (PGDFSQM) (offered only in July Session)
  30. Post Graduate Diploma in Plantation Management (PGDPM) (offered only in July Session)
  31. Post Graduate Diploma in Book Publishing (PGDBP) (offered only in July Session)
  32. Post Graduate Diploma in Women’s & Gender Studies (PGDWGS) (offered only in July Session)
  33. Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainability Science (PGDSS)
  34. Post Graduate Diploma in Social Work Counselling (PGDCOUN)
  35. Post Graduate Diploma in Mental Health (PGDMH) (offered only in July Session)


  1. Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (DECE)
  2. Diploma in Nutrition & Health Education (DNHE)
  3. Diploma in Panchayat Level Administration and Development (DPLAD)
  4. Diploma in Tourism Studies (DTS)
  5. Diploma in Aquaculture (DAQ)
  6. Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCE)
  7. Diploma Programme in Urdu (DUL)
  8. Diploma in HIV and Family Education (DAFE)
  9. Diploma in Business Process Outsourcing – Finance and Accounting (DBPOFA)
  10. Diploma in Women’s Empowerment and Development (DWED)
  11. Diploma in Paralegal Practice (DIPP)
  12. Diploma in Nursing Administration (DNA) (offered only in January Session)
  13. Diploma in Critical Care Nursing (DCCN) (offered only in January Session)
  14. Diploma in Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables (DVAPFV) (offered only in July Session)
  15. Diploma in Dairy Technology (DDT) (offered only in July Session)
  16. Diploma in Meat Technology (DMT) (offered only in July Session)
  17. Diploma in Production of Value Added Products from Cereals, Pulses and
  18. Oilseeds (DPVCPO) (offered only in July Session)
  19. Diploma in Fish Products Technology (DFPT) (offered only in July Session)
  20. Diploma in Watershed Management (DWM) (offered only in July Session)
  21. Diploma in Teaching German as a Foreign Language (DTG) (offered only in January Session)
  22. Diploma in Retailing (DIR) (offered only in July Session)
  23. Diploma in Event Management (DEVMT)


  1. Advance Certificate in Power Distribution Management (ACPDM)
  2. Advanced Certificate in Information Security (ACISE)


  1. Post Graduate Certificate in Adult Education (PGCAE)
  2. Post Graduate Certificate in Cyber Law (PGCCL)
  3. Post Graduate Certificate in Patent Practice (PGCPP)
  4. Post Graduate Certificate in Bangla-Hindi Translation (PGCBHT)
  5. Post Graduate Certificate in Malayalam-Hindi Translation (PGCMHT)
  6. Post Graduate Certificate in Agriculture Policy (PGCAP)
  7. Post Graduate Certificate in Gandhi and Peace Studies (PGCGPS)
  8. Post Graduate Certificate in Information and Assistive Technologies for the Instructors of Visually Impaired (PGCIATIVI)
  9. Post Graduate Certificate in Geoinformatics (PGCGI)
  10. Post Graduate Certificate in Acupuncture (PGCACP)


  1. Certificate in Visual Arts—Painting (CVAP)
  2. Certificate in Visual Arts—Applied Art (CVAA)
  3. Certificate in Performing Arts—Theatre Arts (CPATHA)
  4. Certificate in Performing Arts—Hindustani Music (CPAHM)
  5. Certificate in Performing Arts—Karnatak Music (CPAKM)
  6. Certificate in Performing Arts—Bharatanatyam (CPABN)
  7. Certificate in Arabic Language (CAL)
  8. Certificate in French Language (CFL)
  9. Certificate in Rassian Language (CRUL)
  10. Certificate in Disaster Management (CDM)
  11. Certificate in Environmental Studies (CES)
  12. Certificate Programme in NGO Management (CNM)
  13. Certificate in Business Skills (CBS)
  14. Certificate in Teaching of English as a Second Language (CTE)
  15. Certificate in Functional English (Basic Level) (CFE)
  16. Certificate in Urdu Language (CUL)
  17. Certificate in HIV and Family Education (CAFE)
  18. Certificate in Social Work and Criminal Justice System (CSWCJS)
  19. Certificate in Health Care Waste Management (CHCWM)
  20. Certificate in Newborn and Infant Nursing (CNIN)
  21. Certificate in Maternal and Child Health Nursing (CMCHN)
  22. Certificate in Home Based Health Care (CHBHC)
  23. Certificate in Community Radio (CCR)
  24. Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS)
  25. Certificate in Food and Nutrition (CFN)
  26. Certificate in Nutrition and Child Care (CNCC)
  27. Certificate in Rural Development (CRD)
  28. Certificate in Sericulture (CIS)
  29. Certificate in Organic Farming (COF)
  30. Certificate in Water Harvesting and Management (CWHM)
  31. Certificate in Poultry Farming (CPF)
  32. Certificate in Beekeeping (CIB)
  33. Certificate in Human Rights (CHR)
  34. Certificate in Consumer Protection (CCP)
  35. Certificate in Co-operation, Co-operative Law & Business Laws (CCLBL)
  36. Certificate in Anti Human Trafficking (CAHT)
  37. Certificate in International Humanitarian Law (CIHL)
  38. Certificate in Information Technology (CIT)
  39. Certificate in Guidance (CIG)
  40. Certificate in Communication & IT Skills (CCITSK)
  41. Certificate Programme in Laboratory Techniques (CPLT)
  42. Certificate in Teaching of Primary School Mathematics (CTPM) (offered only in July Session)
  43. Certificate Programme in Value Education (CPVE)
  44. Certificate in Energy Technology and Management (CETM)
  45. Certificate of Competency in Power Distribution (Electrical Technicians) (CCPD)
  46. Certificate in Library and Information Science (CLIS)
  47. Certificate Programme on Life and Thought of BR Ambedkar (CLTA)
  48. Certificate in Tribal Studies (CTRBS) (offered only in July Session)
  49. Certificate in Korean Language & Culture (CKLC)
  50. Certificate in Spanish Language & Culture (CSLC)

IGNOU Distance Education Courses
The institution is well known for the extensive selection of electives and courses it provides in distance learning programs. There are many options for Distance undergraduate, graduate, certificate, and certification programs.

Applicants are particularly interested in the distance learning programs offered by IGNOU.
Students can enroll in distance learning courses anywhere.
This is a detailed description of the IGNOU distance learning courses.
The university offers over 38 Bachelor’s Programs and 38 Master’s Programs, each with a particular emphasis.

UG Courses at IGNOU

  1. B.A- Bachelor of Arts
  2. BBA- Bachelor of Business Administration
  3. BCA -Bachelor of Computer Application
  4. B.Sc – Bachelor of Science
  5. B.Com- Bachelor of Commerce
  6. BTS- Bachelor of Tourism Studies
  7. BSW- Bachelor of Social Work

PG Courses at IGNOU

  1. M.A- Master of Arts
  2. MCA – Master of Computer Application
  3. M.Sc – Master of Science
  4. M.Com – Master of Commerce
  5. MBA – Master of Business Administration
  6. MTS – Master of Tourism Studies
  7. MSW – Master of Social Work

IGNOU Distance Education Admission 2025
Applications for the annual sessions in January and July will shortly be available by IGNOU distance learning. Registration normally starts in December or January for the January session, but it does so every year in May for the July session. IGNOU, the biggest open university in the world, provides more than 200 programs for Distance learning. Every degree available at IGNOU is on par with degrees available at any other higher education institution in the world that has National Ranking Council approval and consent.

Candidates in the general category must pay a fee of 300 rupees. The fee for candidates from the reserved category is 200 rupees. Any of the following ways, including debit cards, credit cards, and online banking, can be useful to pay the application fee.

The candidate must fill in the form 1 which is the application for OPENMAT and send it to the IGNOU Headquarters (address given below), on or before the last date of submitting form.

IGNOU Distance MBA Admission 2025 :-

Aspirants who want to do distance MBA programme from IGNOU, firstly they have to clear an entrance exam. If anyone has given any national level aptitude test for MBA programme, then he /she can be free from certain level of marks.

IGNOU Distance MBA Admission  currently offers undergraduate, graduate, certificate, doctorate, and diploma degree programs. The admission for IGNOU distance Education solely depends on the (marks in the respective qualifying examination). A Ph.D. is available through IGNOU. Passing the IGNOU OpenNet and IGNOU BEd EntranceTest exams is a requirement for enrollment in these programs.

IGNOU Distance BBA Admission 2025

The IGNOU Distance BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) program is a three-year undergraduate program offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) in India. It is a distance learning program that allows students to pursue a business administration degree from the comfort of their own homes. The program is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in various aspects of business and management.

To enroll or secure your seats for  IGNOU Distance BBA Admission you will need to fulfill the basic eligibility criteria. The University demands the candidate should have completed 12th grade from a proper and recognized board of education.

Students receive study materials in the form of printed books, audio-visual resources, and online materials. They are evaluated through a combination of assignments, term-end examinations, and practical projects conducted at designated centers across the country.

IGNOU Distance BCA Admission 2025

The IGNOU Distance BCA Admission (Bachelor of Computer Applications) program is a popular undergraduate program offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) in India. It is a distance learning program designed to provide students with a strong foundation in computer applications and software development.

The program has a duration of three years and follows a flexible learning approach, allowing students to study at their own pace and convenience. The curriculum covers various aspects of computer science, including programming languages, data structures, software engineering, database management, networking, and web development.

Upon completion of the program, graduates can pursue a wide range of career opportunities in the IT industry. They can work as software developers, system analysts, database administrators, web designers, and IT consultants. They can also opt for higher studies such as an MCA (Master of Computer Applications) for further specialization.

IGNOU Distance BCom Admission 2025

To be eligible for admission to the IGNOU Distance BCom Admission (Bachelor of Commerce) program, candidates must fulfill certain criteria. The eligibility requirements for IGNOU Distance BCom admission are as follows: Candidates should have passed 10+2 or its equivalent from a recognized board or institution.

There is no specific requirement for the stream or subjects studied at the 10+2 level. The entry age is 18 years old. There is no maximum age for participation in the program. It is important to note that these eligibility criteria are based on the general guidelines provided by IGNOU. However, specific eligibility requirements may vary depending on the year and any updates made by the university. Therefore, it is always advisable to refer to the official IGNOU Distance BCom Admission website or contact the admissions department for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the eligibility criteria for the IGNOU Distance BCom program.

IGNOU Distance BA Admission 2025

Embarking on a journey of knowledge and personal growth, the IGNOU Distance BA Admission (Bachelor of Arts) program opens doors to a world of diverse subjects and intellectual exploration. With its flexible learning format, this program caters to individuals who seek higher education while balancing other commitments. To be eligible for IGNOU Distance BA admission, aspiring students need to meet specific criteria. First and foremost, candidates must have completed 10+2 or its equivalent from a recognized board or university.

There are no restrictions on the stream or subjects studied during this level of education. Additionally, there is no age bar for admission, allowing learners of all ages to pursue their passion for the arts and humanities.

Whether you’re a recent high school graduate seeking to delve into a field of interest or a working professional aiming to enhance your knowledge and skills, IGNOU’s Distance BA program offers a flexible and accessible path toward a well-rounded education. Explore a wide range of subjects, broaden your horizons, and unlock your potential as you embark on this enlightening educational journey.

IGNOU Distance MCom Admission 2025

Embark on a journey of advanced commerce education and professional growth with the IGNOU Distance MCom Admission (Master of Commerce) program. Designed to meet the needs of working professionals and individuals seeking higher education, this program offers a unique blend of flexibility and academic excellence. To be eligible for IGNOU Distance MCom admission, candidates must hold a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce (BCom) or an equivalent qualification from a recognized university.

Additionally, individuals who possess a Bachelor’s degree in a different discipline but have successfully completed the IGNOU BCom (A&F) or BCom (CA&A) program are also eligible for admission. With no age restriction, this program provides an opportunity for professionals at any stage of their career to enhance their knowledge and expertise in the field of commerce.

By enrolling in the IGNOU Distance MCom program, you open the doors to advanced learning, specialized knowledge in areas such as accounting, finance, and business management, and a promising future in the world of commerce.

IGNOU Distance MA Admission 2025

Step into the realm of intellectual exploration and personal growth with the IGNOU Distance MA Admission (Master of Arts) program. Aspiring learners seeking higher education in the arts and humanities can embark on an enriching journey with this program, offered by the prestigious Indira Gandhi National Open University.

To be eligible for IGNOU Distance MA admission, candidates must possess a Bachelor’s degree in the relevant discipline from a recognized university. The program offers a wide range of specializations, including subjects like English, Hindi, History, Sociology, Political Science, and more. With its flexible learning format, IGNOU enables individuals to pursue their passion for the arts while accommodating their personal and professional commitments.

Whether you’re a fresh graduate seeking to delve deeper into a specific field or a working professional aiming to enhance your expertise, the IGNOU Distance MA program provides a platform for comprehensive learning and academic growth. Explore new ideas, broaden your horizons, and become part of a vibrant community of learners as you embark on this captivating educational journey.

IGNOU Distance MBA
The Indira Gandhi Open University has been providing education to students for a very long period (IGNOU). One of the most popular courses the university offers is the IGNOU Distance Education for MBA. The college provides a low-cost, 2.5-year MBA program Distance. This particular Blog in Umeacademy will help you to explore all the details and pieces of information about IGNOU Distance MBA Programs.

A renowned professional education program with excellent employment prospects is the MBA program. Students must give the topics presented their full attention while studying for exams.

Those who decide to major in this field have better chances of success and will have access to opportunities that are more important for their personal growth.

The candidates can create a lean environment because they can schedule their own study sessions using the Internet mode.

The curriculum and themes are structured to give students the right amount of hands-on experience, preparing them for the roles and responsibilities for which the organization has established its initiative.

IGNOU Distance BBA
The IGNOU provides distant learners with a three-year professional undergraduate business administration degree. One of India’s best Distance learning programs is the BBA program (Bachelor of Business Administration), which is offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).

Via its management studies department—also referred to as the school of management studies—IGNOU Distance Education for BBA program. The IGNOU Distance BBA is one of the professional management studies programs offered by the School of Management Studies, which was founded in 1987.

IGNOU Distance Learning Admission Important Dates

Particulars (July Session)


Admission Starts

Second week of July

Admission without late fee

To Be Announced

Admission with late fee of Rs. 500/-

4 August to 18 August

Admission with late fee of Rs. 1000/-

19 August to 4 September


IGNOU Distance Learning Eligibility Criteria

  1. To get admission into the institution, the applicant should have a passing mark in a 10+2 course or have received a diploma.
  2. Reservations are open to the general public, under Indian government regulation.
  3. The results of the personal interview will be helpful to secure their seat at the IGNOU regional center when determining whether or not to admit a candidate to the BBA program.
  4. The Regional Director will get interview instructions from the Program Coordinator.
  5. An applicant should get 25 out of a possible 50 points for their interview performance to secure their seat at the university.

IGNOU Distance MBA eligibility criteria :-

Graduation in any discipline with 50% marks (General Category) and 45% marks (reserved category)

Bachelor’s degree with three years of supervisory/ managerial/professional experience, or Professional Degree in Engineering/ Technology/ Medicine/ Architecture/ Law/ Pharmacy or Professional Qualifications in Accountancy/ Cost and Works Accountancy/ Company Secretaryship etc. or Masters Degree in any subject.

IGNOU Distance BBA eligibility criteria :-  

Cleared Class 12th or equivalent, based on the merit of physically fit candidates.

Placement services at IGNOU Distance MBA

A dedicated Campus Placement Cell (CPC) oversees a variety of recruiting drives, campus placement drives, employability enhancement initiatives, and career fairs at IGNOU’s corporate headquarters, regional centers, and corporate beliefs throughout the year.

The minimal offer accessible in 2022 has an IGNOU placement rate of 80% and an average package of between INR 3.5 LPA and INR 4 LPA. Candidates’ chances of getting into top MNCs in India will be easy through the IGNOU placement activity.

IGNOU Distance Learning Review & Ranking

IGNOU has commenced with only two programs and strength of 4,528 students, but at present, more than 3 million students are enrolled. It is one of the top and largest known Open University in India. It has the highest number of intake of student admission in different online/distance courses. It is approved by AICTE, UGC and DEC.

Indira gandhi national open university distance education is Approved by:


Fees and Courses Offered by Indira gandhi national open university distance education

Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education

distance mba
2 years

Distance M.Sc
2 years

2 years

Distance MCA
2 years

Distance MA
2 years

Distance BCA
3 years

Distance BBA
3 years

Distance B.Com
3 years

Distance B.Sc
3 years

Distance BA
3 years

Admission Process in Indira gandhi national open university distance education

  1. To view a prospectus and discover more about the courses, go to the IGNOU website.
  2. To register for the login credentials, the candidate has to provide all the information.
  3. If you are logging in using your old login information and receive an email, the university will provide you with your special code (username or password); if not, they will do it by SMS.
  4. Your personal information must be provided on the entry form.
  5. sending an image together with a scanned copy of a signature.
  6. You must provide a scanned copy together with the other necessary documents.
  7. To pay for the expenses, use a debit card, credit card, or online payment.
  8. You have the option to save or print your receipt after pressing the submit button.

Career Prospects in Indira gandhi national open university distance education

The Campus Placement Cell (CPC), IGNOU was established in the year 2005 to act as a nodal centre for all placement-related activities to facilitate the process of gainful employment for its different and distributive student population available across the nation. The cell aims to offer meaningful employment opportunities to its students as well as alumni at all levels matching with their personal and academic profiles. It works on the premise that the right student meets the right recruiter at the right place. It also acts as an intermediate between the industry and the students.

FAQs in Indira gandhi national open university distance education


Ques. How can I apply for admission to IGNOU's MBA program?

Ans. Students who are curious about the MBA program at IGNOU have to register at

Ques. How has the IGNOU MBA program fared in terms of placement?

Ans. It is crucial for students to sign up for the placement seminars that IGNOU organizes each year after completing the MBA program.

Ques. IGNOU does it provide an MBA?

Ans. Indeed, IGNOU Distance Education for MBA. The program has DEB and UGC accreditation. After passing the entrance test, known as OPENMAT, which is relatively easy to pass, the institution offers this program.

Ques. How can I submit a job application to IGNOU?

Ans. You can learn more by visiting the official websites of IGNOU and Campus Placement Cell (CPC).

Ques. How can I do MBA from IGNOU?

Ans. IGNOU offers MBA in distance. To get admitted in MBA from IGNOU, the candidate needs to fill up and submit OPENMAT and admission form online. For getting admission into this course the candidate must have completed graduation in any subject including Company Secretaryship/ Cost Accountancy/ Chartered Accountancy with minimum 50% marks for general category and 45% for reserved category. Candidate’s CGPA percentage should meet the eligibility score required. Finally the candidate must have cleared OPENMAT entrance examination conducted by IGNOU.

Ques. Once the OPENMAT exam is cleared, what is the process for admission?

Ans. Once the IGNOU OPENMAT EXAMINATION is cleared the candidate can proceed for the admission in MBA program. Candidates can find an application Form 2 available with the prospectus. This form needs to be filled up and to be sent to IGNOU Regional Director nearest to the candidate’s place. Along with the form following documents are required to be sent: attested copies of all educational certificates, Original OPENMAT score card and original hall ticket, category certificate in case of SC/ ST and OBC students, experience certificate if required and filled in identity card.

Ques. What is the duration of doing Distance MBA course from IGNOU?

Ans. The duration of doing distance MBA from IGNOU is 2 years (4 semsters).

Ques. Can any foreign student apply for IGNOU distance MBA programme?

Ans. Yes, foreign students can also apply for the distance MBA program at IGNOU.

Ques. Is IGNOU distance MBA approved?

Ans. Yes, it is approved by AICTE and AIU. IGNOU is a central university that was established through an Act of Parliament in 1985.

Ques. Can OPENMAT be taken online?

Ans. Yes, OPENMAT can be taken online from the IGNOU official website.

Ques. Is there any age requirement or limit to get admission at IGNOU distance MBA?

Ans. No, there is no maximum age requirement or limit forgetting admission at IGNOU distance MBA.

Ques. Is it worth to any distance course from IGNOU?

Ans. Yes, it is worth to do distance course from this university.IGNOU gives special emphasis to the quality of the education, therefore, it has a team of 810 faculty members, 574 academic staff and about 33,212 academic counselors.

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National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education 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National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open 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Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education Indira Gandhi National Open University Distance Education

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